How to Use College Rankings

While researching colleges one of the tools many students utilize are the ranking systems. There are various organizations like US News and World Report, Forbes, QS, and Princeton Review. Each organization has slightly different criteria to rank colleges. These lists can help students compare and contrast thousands of schools. However, some of the factors used to rank schools can be problematic. Many of the criteria are self-reported, subjective, and possibly irrelevant to the average student.

For instance, one of the criteria used in ranking systems – selectivity – can create pressure for schools to increase applications and reduce admissions to make themselves look more selective. This practice of encouraging unqualified students to apply to your school just to reject them is unethical at best. In my experience while working with various colleges I did not come across this practice. Many schools are transparent about their admissions criteria. As an admissions counselor, I always tried to help students understand their admissibility before applying.

Another factor that many ranking organizations use is the level of alumni giving. Elite universities are likely going to out raise other colleges. Depending on the weight of this criterion, elite schools will receive an unfair boost in the rankings. Furthermore, I think that to the average student, alumni donations are irrelevant.

Rankings cannot highlight the special and unique qualities of colleges. There are many non-quantifiable variables that make schools unique which are not factored into these rankings. Explore what makes each college special to find the “best” school for you.

While students and families can use rankings to explore and compare colleges as part of their research, it should not be the most important tool in their decision-making process. As I have mentioned before, my philosophy is that it is more important to find the “right” college than the “best” college.

Sophie Roth

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Hi I am Sophie Roth

Bach is a concierge college counseling service. Going to college is an investment of time and money, as with any other important investment it is wise to meet with experts to guide your decisions. Students who make informed, thoughtful, and intentional choices when selecting colleges will enjoy more success. Students who take ownership of the process for themselves will feel accomplished and empowered that they have made the right choice and will arrive on campus with confidence.



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