Hit the Road

When you are deciding on which college to attend one of the best ways to get a feel for the culture on campus is to schedule a tour. Of course, you may not be able to visit every school you are researching because of cost, time, and distance. Be creative, do a virtual tour online, follow campus influencers on social media, and attend local college recruiting events to get a feel for the school.

When I was exploring undergraduate programs, I was lucky enough to be flown out to several campuses to do an overnight campus visit. It was exciting to visit schools that I would not have otherwise been able to see in person. However, the majority of the schools I applied to I was not able to visit in person, but I did have the chance to attend local recruiting events. In the end, I actually enrolled in a school that I hadn’t visited.

I was trying to choose between two schools that I could not visit in person, one was in Virginia and the other was in Louisiana. I went to local events for both schools and the experiences were very different. One of the differences that I needed to weigh was whether I wanted to attend school in colonial Williamsburg or the home of Mardi Gras in New Orleans. I loved learning about the rich, international, eccentric culture of New Orleans and in the end, I knew that the city itself would be a better fit for me. Though the academic offerings at both universities were excellent quality, I did lean towards studying in Louisiana because I felt more connected to the culture and it was closer to home.

I know I made the right choice for myself and I say that despite living through Hurricane Katrina! You will be living at college for 4 years, make sure you feel comfortable in that area. You should also consider whether you would feel more comfortable in an urban or rural campus. Determine how important it is for you to be close to home. If you are independent and don’t need to go home to your parent’s home multiple times a year, then explore far away schools. However, if you thrive by being close to your family, then explore schools within a certain perimeter of your hometown. Finally, consider that many students choose to start their career in the city where they study. The alumni network will likely be strongest in that city, so be prepared to stay long term.

I encourage families to go on college road trips as soon as their kids enter high school. Campus visits are free and usually easy to schedule with short notice, so make plans to hit as many schools as possible before they graduate. These trips can be great bonding experiences and can help students feel more excited about the prospect of attending college. Make the trips FUN, don’t just focus on costs and academics (but do take notes), explore the city, the food scene, the quirky traditions on campus, go to a collegiate sports game, buy some swag as a memento, and enjoy the process!

Sophie Roth

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Hi I am Sophie Roth

Bach is a concierge college counseling service. Going to college is an investment of time and money, as with any other important investment it is wise to meet with experts to guide your decisions. Students who make informed, thoughtful, and intentional choices when selecting colleges will enjoy more success. Students who take ownership of the process for themselves will feel accomplished and empowered that they have made the right choice and will arrive on campus with confidence.





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